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Featured Alexa House

Turnkey home: Just walk in and start living
338 m2 3 Bedrooms 2-Cars Carport Garages 5 Bathrooms

Dream House

Turnkey home: Just walk in and start living
211 m2 3 Bedrooms 2-Cars Carport Garages 2 Bathrooms

Featured Glass House

Turnkey home: Just walk in and start living
330 m2 5 Bedrooms 2-Cars Carport Garages 5 Bathrooms

Featured Quick House

Turnkey home: Just walk in and start living
138 m2 2 Bedrooms 2-Cars Carport Garages 2 Bathrooms

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We have hundreds of properties for you to choose from.

Featured Alexa House

Turnkey home: Just walk in and start living
338 m2 3 Bedrooms 2-Cars Carport Garages 5 Bathrooms
$ 1,352,000 Euro

Dream House

Turnkey home: Just walk in and start living
211 m2 3 Bedrooms 2-Cars Carport Garages 2 Bathrooms
$ 804,000 Euro

Featured Glass House

Turnkey home: Just walk in and start living
330 m2 5 Bedrooms 2-Cars Carport Garages 5 Bathrooms
$ 1,320,000 Euro

Featured Quick House

Turnkey home: Just walk in and start living
138 m2 2 Bedrooms 2-Cars Carport Garages 2 Bathrooms
$ 521,000 EURO

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Tiffany Thompson

Web Designer

To simply say they were very good at their job would be the grossest of understatements. Their commitment, dedication and enthusiasm to what is at times a difficult task, was superb. In all my years in business I have rarely worked with people who are such true communicators.

Chris Hemsworth


We chose Landmark over other agencies as you appeared professional and offered a comprehensive communications plan. You lived up to our high expectations at all times and all our dealings with you.

Steven Moore

Marketing Executive

When we took the tough decision to sell our family home we were keen for you to be in control of the sale as we felt you were the best real estate agent in the area. We had faith in you from the beginning and you certainly lived up to our expectations.

Jessica Chastain

Sale Executive

We would like to sincerely thank you and the Landmark team for the incredible result you achieved for our family. You have managed to facilitate a purchase of the house we thought could only be a dream, and sell our house for a price beyond our expectations - all within 30 days.

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